80s Pirate Radio: Part 4

A few more additions to my 80s pirate archive have been uploaded: KPLU – time/date/frequency unknown – circa 1990 Short 2 minute clip of KPLU (?) broadcasting in SSB. Radio Free Euphoria / WREC – time/date/frequency unknown – circa 1990 30 second clip with nice ID “Broadcasting to the world, or at least some small part of it…” WLIS – unknown date/time/frequency – circa 1990 Short sample of “We Love Interval Signals” in this clip broadcasting in SSB. WPN – unknown date/time/frequency – circa 1989 Zeppelin Radio Worldwide – 7416 Khz – July 11th, 1987 – 0100 UTC I had...

Pirate radio: tripping down memory lane

During the 1980s, I recorded many American pirate radio stations on cassette tape and actively traded tapes with other DXers.  A slow and long process of transferring these cassettes to MP3 was undertaken a few years ago with many more tapes left to convert.  Below is the start of a list of stations that I have recorded and archived, with more to follow as time permits to process them.  The quality varies from decent to down right horrible (depending on band conditions at the time, recording media, etc.), but nonetheless they are presented here for historical purposes. All recordings were...